Canada’s Most Trusted Brand

Serving Canadian Travellers

CAA is a not-for-profit federation providing more than 7 million Members with emergency roadside service, Member Reward savings, and comprehensive insurance, travel and automotive offerings.

We are the voice of Canadians on road safety, environment, mobility and consumer rights.

Access your Club website


CAA is a not-for-profit federation providing more than 7 million Members with exceptional emergency roadside service, member Reward savings, and comprehensive insurance, travel and automotive offerings.

CAA also offers reciprocal services in the United States with AAA Towing.

Go to your club site

Select your province to be directed to your designated club site.

Considering an electric vehicle?

CAA is committed to providing Canadians with unbiased and trusted information on electric vehicles. Is there one that’s right for you? What about charging, cost and other questions? Our EV Buyer’s Guide is the best place to start.

Think electric