Canadian Medical Association, CMA Driver’s Guide Determining Medical Fitness to Operate Motor Vehicles, 8th Ed, Section 21, Ottawa: Canadian Medical Association, 2012, modified and used with the permission of CMA; recognition to Dr. Cabana. CMA does not assume any responsibility for liability arising from any error in or omission from the use of any information contained in these sections. Permission to photocopy this section should be sought from Access Copyright, One Yonge St, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M5E 1E5, T: (416) 868-1620, E: [email protected].
As we age, our physical and mental abilities change, and some of those changes – including our vision, hearing and ability to react quickly – can affect our driving.
These changes generally happen very slowly, so it’s important to evaluate these changes early and often to ensure we understand how our ability to drive is being affected, and then take steps to ensure we can continue to drive safely.