Refresher Courses

Many Canadian drivers would benefit from taking a driving refresher course.

Bad driving habits can become ingrained, and we can all forget the proper procedures for certain driving skills.

Refresher courses can help us identify and correct those bad driving habits, update us on traffic laws, improve our ability to handle driving challenges, and improve our confidence on the road.

There are many types of courses available, including online courses, those conducted in a classroom setting, and those that take place either partly or wholly in a motor vehicle one-on-one with an instructor. And although there are many courses aimed specifically at seniors, there are also many courses designed to help drivers of any age to improve their driving skills and keep Canadian roads safer.

In addition to driving courses, there are many programs and seminars that educate and help seniors stay safe on the road. Check below to see what driving courses and seminars are available in your area.

Driving instructor with checklist

Available courses and seminars


The Alberta Motor Association’s refresher course for mature drivers (over 55) helps experienced drivers stay safe on the road for as long as possible. This in-class course encourages group discussion about the changes and new technologies in driving, and how age can impact driving skills.

Alberta course


55 Alive

CAA supports keeping seniors driving for as long as safely possible through a variety of initiatives such as the 55 Alive Mature Drivers Course offered by Saskatchewan Safety Council (SSC), and sponsored by CAA Saskatchewan and SGI.

Saskatchewan course


Driving Angels

Does someone you know generously volunteer their time to drive you to where you need to go?

If so, nominate them as a CAA Driving Angel. A Driving Angel is a community volunteer who offers peace of mind to seniors by helping them get to medical appointments, the grocery store or social functions.

Learn about Driving Angels


Changing Seats presentation by Transportation Options Network for Seniors (T.O.N.S.)

Changing Seats presentation highlights the challenges faced by older adults when making the decision to transition away from driving, adaptations that can be made to continue driving and the options that are available to seniors when they are no longer able to drive.

Changing Seats is a resource tool that can be used by Healthcare Practitioners, Older Adults, Family and Community Members who are seeking answers to challenging questions.

Learn about Changing Seats


CAA-Québec driving schools offer experienced drivers innovative refresher courses. The courses are offered in either English or French, and include a simulator room for trying out situations in complete safety.

Québec courses