Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the largest causes of collisions, injuries, and deaths on Canada’s roads.

And while distracted driving is many things, the nature of distractions has evolved with the vehicle. It’s not just the phone anymore. It’s the massive dashboard screens, it’s the endless features, it’s everything in the car. Staying safe boils down to two things: stay focused on the road, and whenever possible deal with distractions before you leave or after you stop.

CAA’s most recent distracted driving campaign #BeforeYouDrive urges drivers to get it all out of the way before leaving the driveway.  

What do the numbers say?

driver on phone icon


More than 90 percent of Canadians said people using their phones while driving is a serious threat to their safety

 – CAA, 2021

text message icon


Almost half of Canadians have programmed a destination on their GPS or mobile device while driving.

– CAA, 2020

texting while driving icon

8 in 10

Nearly 8 in 10 (79%) drivers admit to doing something while driving that is distracting. Among the most dangerous distractions are in-vehicle technologies, like a driver’s phone, a car’s console, or voice-activated features.

– CAA, 2021


Over 2.1 million Canadians are already humming to the tune of  Do it all, Before you drive.

Join them and get all your distractions out of the way before leaving the driveway.

This campaign was funded in part by Transport Canada.

Help CAA create safer roads by spreading the message of "Do it all, Before you Drive"

Download any of the images below and share with friends and family.

This campaign was funded by FIA.

Tips on how to avoid distracted driving

  • Set your playlist, podcast, safety features, whatever it is, before you drive
  • Set the GPS and review directions before driving
  • Ensure your Bluetooth is properly connected before departure
  • Allow plenty of travel time
  • Stow and secure loose objects
  • Prepare children with everything they need before driving

  • Do not text, use apps, or check social
  • Don’t groom yourself
  • Always keep two hands on the wheel
  • Avoid eating and drinking while driving
  • Keep your eyes on the road

It's time to Unplug and Drive

While most Canadians recognize the risks of distracted driving, 1 in 6 young Canadians have admitted to driving distracted in the past. Because of this, CAA’s #UnplugAndDrive campaign targeted youth with a simple message: If you’re driving, put your phone away.

This campaign was funded in part by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile and Pirelli Tyres.