HALIFAX – The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) today handed over the keys to a Hyundai Elantra to Yarmouth County resident Alfred Boudreau, winner of the CAADrive to Win contest. The exchange took place in Halifax at the Steele Hyundai dealership.
The CAA’s Drive to Win national contest kicked off February 16th at the Canadian International Autoshow in Toronto. The contest grand prize package included a four-year lease on the Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) top vehicle pick of 2012.
“Congratulations to Mr. Boudreau,” said Gary Howard, Vice President Marketing and Communications, CAA Atlantic. “The fuel-efficient Hyundai Elantra is a great vehicle to be able to offer as the grand prize for the CAA Drive to Win contest. CAA is a supporter of vehicles that are good for the pocketbook as well as the environment.”
CAA and AJAC have worked together since 2011 with the goal of working together to provide Canadian consumers with better access to factual, ethical and honest information on automotive topics that matter to them.
“CAA is proud to work with AJAC on the Canadian Car of the Year Awards program through the Drive to Win contest,” said Jeff Walker, Vice President of Public Affairs, CAA National. “The Canadian Car of the Year (CCOTY) program is a great source of accurate, comparative information on vehicles that are new to the market and we are pleased to be drawing additional attention to this valuable initiative.”
To find out more about the 2012 CCOTY award recipients, visit the Test Drive Magazine website for information on all the nominees and to download a digital copy of the publication.
The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) is a federation of nine clubs providing more than 5.6 million members with exceptional emergency roadside service, complete automotive and travel services, member savings and comprehensive insurance services. CAA also advocates on issues of concern to its members, including road safety, the environment, mobility, infrastructure and consumer protection.
The Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) is an association of professional writers, publishers and photographers whose focus is the automobile and the automotive industry. AJAC, a not-for-profit professional organization incorporated in 1981, was established to encourage unity among journalists who specialize in reporting on the automobile. AJAC manages the annual Canadian Car of the Year awards program.
For further information regarding this release, please contact:
Gary Howard
CAA Atlantic
Office: 506-649-6288
Mobile: 506-654-6554
[email protected]