
CAA named Canada’s most trusted brand across all age categories

May 2, 2022

Gustavson brand Index also ranks CAA first in insurance for fifth straight year 

OTTAWA – The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) has been named the most trusted brand in Canada for the third year in a row in the annual Gustavson Brand Trust Index, released today.

CAA was the only company to finish in the Gustavson Top Ten across all age groups, and also grabbed first in brand trust among insurance companies for the fifth year running.

“These rankings reinforce the commitment of everyone at CAA to focus on doing our best for our over 6.5 million Members, of all ages, from coast to coast,” says Tim Shearman, President and CEO of CAA National.

Brand performance tends to vary by age, but CAA placed among the top 10 for people ages 35 and under, 35 to 55 years of age, and 55 years and older. CAA has been rated one of Canada’s top two most trusted brands in the index for six years running.

“CAA is proud of our evolving suite of services, including comprehensive insurance offerings and travel services, one of Canada’s leading Rewards programs, and of course our exceptional emergency roadside assistance,” Shearman said. “For over a century CAA has also acted as a voice for the travelling public on issues that range from road safety to consumer protection.”  

Conducted by the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria, the eighth annual Gustavson Brand Trust Index asked more than 9,000 consumers to score 412 prominent national and global companies and brands, across 33 industry sectors, on a range of brand value measures. 

About CAA 
CAA is a federation of eight not-for-profit Clubs providing over 6.5 million Members with exceptional emergency roadside service, complete automotive and travel services, member savings and comprehensive insurance services. CAA also advocates on issues of concern to its members, including road safety, the environment, mobility, infrastructure and consumer protection. 

About the Gustavson Brand Index 

The Gustavson Brand Trust Index (GBTI) is the only study done by an academic institution that investigates consumer trust, the factors that affect it and the brands that succeed at it. Established in 2015, the GBTI champions responsible management within organizations through its findings, highlighting the increased need for 21st century businesses to contribute positively to their communities. As a school, the Gustavson School of Business is uniquely positioned to both evaluate brand values and educate on their importance to consumer trust in today’s society. Comprising top researchers in their fields, the GBTI team measures overall consumer trust in brands and emphasizes the role of brand values in its study of almost 400 brands across Canada.

For further information, please contact: 

Murielle Pierre
Manager, Public Affairs
[email protected]